(1)Product ID: 81449
Schwalbe Marathon Racer RaceGuard E-25 SpeedGrip K-Guard LiteSkin Wired 18" Tyre
Price: £31.99 RRP: £35.99

Price: £31.99 RRP: £35.99
5 out of 5
Average from 1 customer reviews
I purchased a Dahon Mu-8 in 2008 to commute to the station and then across from Marylebone to Moorgate and back in the evening. The original fit tyres were Schwalbe Marathon Racers. I tackled all sorts of road surfaces, potholes, etc. and later started riding on canal paths, etc, accompanying my daughters on their small "MTBs" with big knobblies on. My total mileage must be astronomical! Ten years later, I am fitting a new pair of Schwalbe Marathon Racers. In the ten years, I have only just worn the tread down and have never had a puncture. The Schwalbes are indeed a Marathon tyre. Also, I always keep them pumped up hard (75-85psi) and as a result, I still give the couriers a bit of a fright on starting from the lights - they really do fly along - so Racer also applies! I cannot over-state how brilliant these tyres are!!