A classic cycle storage solution saddle bags are a very convenient way to carry things on a bike. Saddle bags are available in a whole range of sizes from very small unobtrusive bags for the essentials all the way up to very large bags that extend over the rear wheel for bike-packing adventures.
Fitting to the bike
Saddle bags attach to the saddle rails, usually with straps. They are easy to fit as most saddles have rails. Larger saddle bags will also have a strap that goes around the seat post for stability. Some saddle bags have quick release system with a bracket that attaches to the saddle rails. This means that you can easily take the saddle bag off the bike when you lock it up in a public place.

Size or Volume
Saddle bags range in carrying capacity from less than ½ a litre for the smallest to over 15 litres for the very largest. The right size for you will depend on what you want to carry. If you only want to carry a puncture kit and spare tube then the smallest size will do, for anything else you’ll need to size up.

Features to look for
Most saddle bags are made from robust water-resistant materials. You’ll need a bag with a drybag roll closure if you want to ensure that the things inside stay dry, especially if you ride through the winter without mudguards. Expandable volume saddle bags are great for trips if you want carry a bit of extra kit on some rides while extra compartments and internal dividers are useful for organizing your stuff.