Here you’ll find our pick of the best car bike racks on the market today. Whether you’re just heading up the road, or travelling further on a bike holiday, a quality car rack can make your journey a breeze. Our list of top car racks includes options for any budget.
When choosing a bike carrier, it’s good to consider what bikes you’ll be transporting, and how many. While road bikes will fit any type of rack, MTB’s that run 27.5+ or fat tyres may struggle to fit into wheel holders on some roof and towbar racks (you can be specific racks for these bikes). MTB’s with suspension can also be difficult to fit to a boot rack, although you can get adaptor beams to get around this.
Roof racks will carry one bike, but you can fit two or three racks to your roof (depending on size). Boot racks can fit up to three bikes and towbar racks can fit up to four.

Roof racks are great for securing your bike out of the way and you don’t need to be careful when reversing. Towbar racks are the best for fuel economy and boot mounted carriers are generally the most affordable.
In this car bike rack review, we try to cover all types of carriers from top brands including Thule, Saris and SeaSucker.
Those with ebikes will need to consider the extra weight when looking at car racks. The maximum weight that the carrier can take is shown in the product description. You might find that a multiple bike rack is only suitable for one ebike.