How-to Tighten Quick Release skewers
Accidentally over-tightening QR levers so you can't undo them again is a very common rookie error. Learn how to firmly secure them without getting them stuck.
Note: Don't fasten your QR as tight as you possibly can before pushing the lever down. Doing so will apply far too much tension, making it virtually impossible to release the lever again.
What do you need?
- A bike with QR skewers
- To identify the QR lever, Acorn Nut and Fork Dropouts (see following image)

1Check wheel axle is in position
Make sure the wheel axle has located properly in the dropouts. Line up the QR lever so that when you close it, it will be parallel to the fork leg.

2Begin tightening
Wind the acorn nut on the other side until there is some tension, but not too tight.

3Close lever to check tension
If the tension is right, you will need to push the lever firmly to tighten the wheel in the dropouts.
If you need to apply more pressure than you comfortably can with the palm of your hand, it's too tight. Undo the acorn nut half a turn at a time until the tension is right.
If you find it easy to close the lever, it could be too loose. Tighten the acorn nut half a turn and retry the lever.

4Align the lever
Align your QR lever so it is flush with your fork leg or rear chainstay. This reduces the chance of it snagging anything and coming loose accidentally.